感謝 徐澤珮老師、蘇夢婷老師專業指導
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英 語 讀 者 劇 場
改編自常見的寓言故事「拔蘿蔔」,英文版本中把蘿蔔換成了南瓜。 劇中,農夫種了一株南瓜,南瓜長得十分的巨大、藤蔓又粗又大,農夫沾沾自喜之餘想要將南瓜採下來,卻無法憑一己之力辦到,於是找來了妻子、女兒及寵物們前來幫忙。 在拔南瓜的過程中,大部分的角色都很有自信,卻因遲遲無法成功而萌生放棄的念頭,高傲的貓咪甚至真的半途而廢。最後,竟然靠著謙虛的小老鼠發揮所長,幫助大家完成了願望。
The stubborn pumpkin
In this story based on the well-known tale of a special turnip, a farmer grows such a large pumpkin that he asks for help harvesting it. One by one his companions fail, until finally a mouse proves to be the best helper in a special way.
The stubborn pumpkin
Narrator 1, Narrator 2, Narrator 3, Narrator 4, echo1, echo2, echo3, farmer, wife, girl, cow, dog, cat, mouse,
NARRATOR 1+2: Once there was a pumpkin. It was large.
ALL: Gigantic!
NARRATOR 3+4: The farmer always talked to it.
NARRATOR 1+2+3+4: It grew and grew.
ALL: (sing) Let it grow! Let it grow! Can’t hold it back anymore.
NARRATOR 1+2: Before long, it was time to pull that pumpkin off the vine.
FARMER : I am big and strong. I can pull it off.
(Farmer tried by himself but failed.)
NARRATOR 3+4: But he failed.
ALL: The pumpkin is too stubborn.
NARRATOR 1+2: The farmer had a wife.
WIFE: I am big and strong. I can help.
(Wife tried by herself but failed.)
NARRATOR 3+4: All right, she’s not that strong. She failed, too.
NARRATOR 1+2+3+4: Together, they pulled and pulled.
NARRATOR 1+2:But they could not pull the pumpkin off the vine.
ALL: What a stubborn pumpkin!
NARRATOR 3+4: They had a girl.
WIFE: Be my good girl. Come and help.
GIRL:I am stubborn, too. I will pull the pumpkin and eat it.
ALL:She could eat the pumpkin like a piece of pie.
(Girl tried by herself but failed.)
NARRATOR 1+2: But…… She could not make it.
NARRATOR 1+2+3+4:And together they pulled and pulled.
ALL: (SING)Pull, pull, pull. Ale, Ale, Ale. GO! GO! GO! Ale, Ale, Ale.
NARRATOR 3+4: When they pulled, they thought of a yummy pumpkin dish.
FARMER: I want a pumpkin salad.
Wife:I want a pumpkin soup.
GIRL:I want a pumpkin pie.
NARRATOR 1+2+3+4:They were having a pipe dream. The pumpkin STILL stayed put.
NARRATOR 3+4: GIRL had a pet cow.
GIRL:Be a good cow. Come and help.
COW: Moo~ I am big and strong. I can help. Moo~~
(Cow tried by herself but failed.)
ALL:How stubborn the pumpkin is!
WIFE:Come on! Let’s keep trying !
NARRATOR1+2+3+4: And the pumpkin did not budge an inch.
NARRATOR 1+2:The cow had a dog friend. He could help, too.
COW:My dear friend, please come to my aid.
ALL:A friend in need is a friend indeed.
DOG:Woof! Woof! I am good at chasing cats and watching doors. But today, I’ll show you my power.
ALL:Go DOG Go! Show your muscle!
(Dog tried by himself but failed.)
NARRATOR 3+4:But……the dog did not make a difference.
FARMER:Maybe we should give it up.
WIFE:No! I want my pumpkin soup.
GIRL: I want my pumpkin pie.
COW:I don’t like pumpkin dishes, but we should try again.
NARRATOR 1+2+3+4:At this moment, the cat showed up.
CAT:Meow~ I am KILLER the cat. I can do everything.
ALL:You can be our life saver.
CAT:They don’t call me KILLER the cat for nothing. Last year I caught one hundred mice in three hours. Meow~
GIRL:Okay! The pumpkin is all yours.
(Cat tried by herself but failed.)
CAT:Meow~ What kind of pumpkin is this? This is not a pumpkin! It’s a MONSTER! If I can’t do it, nobody can. I quit.
NARRATOR 1+2:Everyone watched the cat left, everyone felt so……
MOUSE:Hello, guys, is KILLER the cat there?
DOG:Oh, don’t worry, she just left.
MOUSE: I am the mouse. I am thinking maybe I can help.
ALL:You? Little mouse?
MOUSE:Yes! Me! The little mouse with the big heart.
ALL:Why not? Give it a try.
(Mouse tried by himself but failed.)
NARRATOR 1+2:The pumpkin did not move.
MOUSE:My arms are too small. But my teeth are strong.
NARRATOR 1+2+3+4:So the mouse gave the vine a BIG bite.
NARRATOR 3+4:He felt so exhausted, huffing and puffing.
Farmer:How can we let a tiny mouse try so hard and we do nothing?
ALL:Let’s FIGHT for this.
NARRATOR 1+2+3+4:And all together they pulled and pulled until hey heard a loud……
ALL:CRACK! The pumpkin is off the vine.
NARRATOR 1+2+3+4:They all fell on the ground, huffing and puffing.
NARRATOR 1+2:Then they stood up and shouted:
ALL:Little mouse, you are our hero!
Mouse:Me? No! Alone, we can do so little. Together, we can do so much!
ALL:Hurray! We did it together!
NARRATOR 3+4:And they are going to have a pumpkin banquet!
ALL:Welcome to join us!
ALL:Thank you for your listening.